Building a Better Future: Dollar General and Kellogg Company Donate 60,000 Books to Elementary Schools

In 2018, Dollar General and Kellogg Company partnered to donate 60,000 books to elementary schools across the country. The goal of this partnership is simple: provide students with access to books that they otherwise wouldn’t have.

The impact of this donation has been significant. Students who received books from Dollar General and Kellogg Company were able to read more than 1 million pages in just one school year!

This partnership is important because it allows us all an opportunity for growth–both as individuals and as a community.


In 2016, Dollar General and Kellogg Company partnered to donate more than $1 million worth of books to elementary schools across the country. The goal was to help students develop a love for reading and learning at an early age.

The partnership started when Dollar General approached Kellogg about donating some products from their food pantry program. As they were discussing this idea, they realized that both companies had similar priorities: helping others through charitable giving and providing opportunities for growth within communities. They decided that it would be beneficial for both parties if they worked together on another project as well!

Impact of the Partnership

The partnership between Dollar General and Kellogg Company has had a positive impact on local elementary schools. The donated books are being used by teachers to help students learn reading skills, as well as improve their knowledge of the world around them.

In addition to improving literacy rates in communities across America, this partnership has helped strengthen local economies by providing jobs for those who work at Dollar General stores or at Kellogg’s factories.

The Benefits of Corporate Philanthropy

Corporate philanthropy is a great way for companies to give back to their communities. It can also help them in other ways, such as by improving their image and increasing brand loyalty.

In addition, corporate partnerships can lead to more donations from other companies or individuals who are inspired by the work of these organizations.

How You Can Get Involved

  • Donate books to your local elementary school.
  • Volunteer at your local elementary school.


Dollar General and Kellogg Company partnered to donate 60,000 books to elementary schools across the country. This partnership was inspired by a desire to make a positive impact in communities where they operate and sell products. It has been successful because it has inspired others to get involved in similar efforts, like the one we’re talking about today!

If you want to learn more about how you can help out at your local school, check out Dollar General’s website here:

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