Dollar General: Employee’s Dress Code Policy

Employees at Dollar General, a popular retail store with more than 19,000 locations across the US, standby by a specific dress code that varies depending on their role within the company. For retail employees, expectations involve black pants, a collared polo shirt featuring the Dollar General logo in black, as well as non-slippery shoes. Corporate employees, however, dress in a business casual fashion. Proper implementation of the rules and regulations regarding employee attire is essential for a successful career at Dollar General.

Can employees get uniforms from Dollar General?

Dollar General values the importance of professionalism, thus demanding that their employees stick to their dress code policy. In short, yes, they can get uniforms from them, but they will have to purchase the uniform.

How can employees gain access to Dollar General Uniforms?

Accessing the official Dollar General Uniform for employees can be done with ease. By visiting the Dollar General Logo Wear Program website, a wide variety of options appear, from windbreakers to polo shirts, all of which showcase the Dollar General logo.

What are the clothing essentials according to the Dress Code Policy?

At Dollar General, an emphasis is placed on a professional and unified look for all of its employees, a look that features black pants that are no shorter than three inches above the knee as well as a branded polo shirt with a collar. This dress code policy is meant to ensure that all staff members maintain a neat and presentable appearance, and the combination of stylish black pants and the iconic Dollar General logo helps to create a unified style.

What is the importance of non-slip footwear?

The crucial importance of safety-conscious footwear selection. Choosing the right kind of footwear for the workplace is of utmost importance for Dollar General. In order to reduce the risk of slips and falls, a policy of appropriate footwear is enforced upon employees. This eliminates the use of unsafe footwear such as open-toe and open-heel sandals, flip-flops, and beach sandals. Instead, closed-toe, non-slip shoes are recommended to maintain a safe working environment.

Are employees (at Dollar General) allowed to dye their hair and have piercings?

Dollar General acknowledges the importance of individuality and allowing people to express themselves. According to reports, they allow employees to dye their hair in vibrant tones while maintaining a friendly demeanor. This helps them exhibit individuality and friendliness to customers while representing the store. The company’s dress policy prohibits physical piercings other than ear piercings. However, there is an exception for people who choose to wear jewelry or piercings for religious purposes. These issues are personal to the individual and must be discussed with the store manager in order to develop appropriate guidelines.

Are there any clothing exceptions for employees in the distribution center?

Although at many Dollar General locations, the dress code is standard, employees in the distribution center are allowed to break this rule and opt for more comfortable clothing. Sweatpants and sweatshirts are permitted, allowing an increased degree of ease and mobility while being safe near the machinery. This provides a unique balance of both comfort and safety.

Are head coverings allowed?

Wearing any form of headwear or head covering is also strictly forbidden, though there are certain cases in which religious exemptions may be made. Employees seeking further clarity on this policy should seek guidance from their own store manager to understand the specific rules that apply.

Are tattoos allowed?

Dollar General believes in a strict policy when it comes to employees having visible tattoos. According to their dress code, employees should cover all tattoos while on shift. This helps to ensure a respectful and professional atmosphere and gives customers peace of mind when dealing with their employees.


Sticking to the dress code policy of Dollar General is critical to creating a professional image while delivering outstanding service to customers. To this end, a combination of black pants and a Dollar General branded polo shirt can serve to create a unified team appearance, while non-slip shoes prioritize employee safety in the store. It is acceptable for employees to express their uniqueness through certain personal style choices, such as hair color; however, other items like denim clothing and visible tattoos are off-limits in order to uphold the desired brand image. Religious reasons for piercings and head coverings are recognized exceptions and also apply to employees in the distribution center. If there are uncertainties regarding the policy, finding out from the store manager can help provide clarity. Dressing according to the Dress Code Policy, not only promotes the company’s profile but also propels the staff’s confidence and professionalism.

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